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Tuesday, 28 November 2023 00:00

Common Symptoms of a Broken Ankle

A broken ankle can swiftly transform routine movements into moments of intense pain and disruption. This injury typically occurs when the ankle joint endures excessive force, often from a sudden twist, fall, or impact. The causes are diverse, ranging from sports related injuries to accidental slips or missteps. The severity of a broken ankle varies, with fractures manifesting in the bones surrounding the ankle joint. Symptoms, unmistakable in their intensity, include immediate pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot. Bruising may also develop, accompanied by a noticeable deformity or misalignment of the ankle. The sharp, shooting pain and the inability to move the ankle freely are indicative signs that warrant prompt medical attention. If you have broken your ankle, it is strongly suggested that you consult a podiatrist as quickly as possible who can properly diagnose and treat this type of fracture.

Broken ankles need immediate treatment. If you are seeking treatment, contact Scott Burdge, DPM from Advanced Ankle & Foot. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet. 

Broken Ankles
A broken ankle is experienced when a person fractures their tibia or fibula in the lower leg and ankle area. Both of these bones are attached at the bottom of the leg and combine to form what we know to be our ankle.

When a physician is referring to a break of the ankle, he or she is usually referring to a break in the area where the tibia and fibula are joined to create our ankle joint. Ankles are more prone to fractures because the ankle is an area that suffers a lot of pressure and stress. There are some obvious signs when a person experiences a fractured ankle, and the following symptoms may be present.

Symptoms of a Fractured Ankle

  • Excessive pain when the area is touched or when any pressure is placed on the ankle
  •  Swelling around the area
  •  Bruising of the area
  • Area appears to be deformed

If you suspect an ankle fracture, it is recommended to seek treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you have your podiatrist diagnose the fracture, the quicker you’ll be on the way towards recovery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Katy, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about All About Broken Ankles
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:00

Hammertoe in Children

Hammertoe, or curly toe in children is a deformity where the toe bends downward at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. It is often congenital, meaning children are born with it. Hammertoe may be flexible initially but can become fixed over time. It can occur due to an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally hold the toe straight. Wearing tight footwear and genetics can also contribute to the development of hammertoe. While it may not always cause discomfort, it can lead to issues like irritation or difficulty in fitting into shoes. If your child has hammertoe, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment based on its severity.


Hammertoes can be a painful condition to live with. For more information, contact Scott Burdge, DPM from Advanced Ankle & Foot. Our doctor will answer any of your foot- and ankle-related questions.

Hammertoe is a foot deformity that affects the joints of the second, third, fourth, or fifth toes of your feet. It is a painful foot condition in which these toes curl and arch up, which can often lead to pain when wearing footwear.


  • Pain in the affected toes
  • Development of corns or calluses due to friction
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Contracture of the toes


Genetics – People who are genetically predisposed to hammertoe are often more susceptible

Arthritis – Because arthritis affects the joints in your toes, further deformities stemming from arthritis can occur

Trauma – Direct trauma to the toes could potentially lead to hammertoe

Ill-fitting shoes – Undue pressure on the front of the toes from ill-fitting shoes can potentially lead to the development of hammertoe


Orthotics – Custom made inserts can be used to help relieve pressure placed on the toes and therefore relieve some of the pain associated with it

Medications – Oral medications such as anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs could be used to treat the pain and inflammation hammertoes causes. Injections of corticosteroids are also sometimes used

Surgery – In more severe cases where the hammertoes have become more rigid, foot surgery is a potential option

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Katy, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about What Are Hammertoes?

Sever's disease, a common but often misunderstood condition, is not truly a disease, but rather a growth-related heel pain that affects active children and adolescents. This condition, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, occurs when the growth plate at the back of the heel becomes inflamed due to repetitive stress and tension. Children between the ages of 8 and 15 are most susceptible to Sever's disease, as this is typically when their bones are rapidly growing. This growth spurt places extra stress on the heel's growth plate, especially in active children who participate in sports or activities that involve running and jumping. The hallmark symptom of Sever's disease is heel pain, often exacerbated by physical activity. This pain can be particularly bothersome during or after exercise. Understanding Sever's disease is essential for parents and young athletes, as it enables early recognition and appropriate management. If your active child has heel pain, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can effectively diagnose and treat Sever’s disease.

Sever's disease often occurs in children and teens. If your child is experiencing foot or ankle pain, see Scott Burdge, DPM from Advanced Ankle & Foot. Our doctor can treat your child’s foot and ankle needs.

Sever’s Disease

Sever’s disease is also known as calcaneal apophysitis, which is a medical condition that causes heel pain I none or both feet. The disease is known to affect children between the ages of 8 and 14.

Sever’s disease occurs when part of the child’s heel known as the growth plate (calcaneal epiphysis) is attached to the Achilles tendon. This area can suffer injury when the muscles and tendons of the growing foot do not keep pace with bone growth. Therefore, the constant pain which one experiences at the back of the heel will make the child unable to put any weight on the heel. The child is then forced to walk on their toes.


Acute pain – Pain associated with Sever’s disease is usually felt in the heel when the child engages in physical activity such as walking, jumping and or running.

Highly active – Children who are very active are among the most susceptible in experiencing Sever’s disease, because of the stress and tension placed on their feet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Katy, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle injuries.

Read more about Sever's Disease
Tuesday, 07 November 2023 00:00

How the Bones in the Feet Work Together

Our feet, remarkable in their complexity, house a network of 26 bones each, expertly coordinated to support our body weight and facilitate movement. These bones can be categorized into three main groups, notably the tarsal bones in the ankle, the metatarsals in the arch, and the phalanges in the toes. Tarsal bones, including the heel bone, or calcaneus, and the talus, provide stability and shock absorption. The metatarsals form the longitudinal arch of the foot and act as a lever for propulsion, while the phalanges allow dexterity and balance. Ligaments, tendons, and muscles work in harmony to control these bones and facilitate various movements. The interplay of these bones enables the foot's natural shock-absorbing mechanism, dissipating the forces generated during walking, running, or jumping. Proper alignment and functioning of these bones are essential for maintaining foot health and overall well-being. Understanding the intricate mechanics of the foot's bone structure can help us appreciate the importance of foot care and the significance of maintaining proper posture and gait. If you would like to know more about the biomechanics of the feet, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can provide you with useful information.

If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Scott Burdge, DPM from Advanced Ankle & Foot. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Biomechanics in Podiatry

Podiatric biomechanics is a particular sector of specialty podiatry with licensed practitioners who are trained to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the foot, ankle and lower leg. Biomechanics deals with the forces that act against the body, causing an interference with the biological structures. It focuses on the movement of the ankle, the foot and the forces that interact with them.

A History of Biomechanics

  • Biomechanics dates back to the BC era in Egypt where evidence of professional foot care has been recorded.
  • In 1974, biomechanics gained a higher profile from the studies of Merton Root, who claimed that by changing or controlling the forces between the ankle and the foot, corrections or conditions could be implemented to gain strength and coordination in the area.

Modern technological improvements are based on past theories and therapeutic processes that provide a better understanding of podiatric concepts for biomechanics. Computers can provide accurate information about the forces and patterns of the feet and lower legs.

Understanding biomechanics of the feet can help improve and eliminate pain, stopping further stress to the foot.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Katy, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about The Importance of Biomechanics in Podiatry
Saturday, 04 November 2023 00:00

Heel Pain in the Morning?

Heel pain can negatively affect your day-to-day life. Simple activities like walking can become incredibly uncomfortable or painful due to heel pain.

Don’t live with heel pain and get treated.

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